Information Technology Services (ITS)
IT@UofT People — Mike Spears
Published on: January 27, 2025
The backbone of any successful team is its hard-working people. The University of Toronto’s Information Technology Services (ITS) unit is no exception. It is made up of a diverse range of people with an even greater diversity in their interests and talents.
In this segment, entitled “IT@UofT People,” we will get to know our IT@UofT team across the tri-campus community and find out more about their hidden or not-so-hidden talents and/or pursuits outside of work.
Department: Academic, Research & Collaborative (ARC) technologies
Title: Manager, Application and Mobile Development

How long have you worked at U of T?
I have been working at U of T since 1999. I started at the Information Commons help desk at the Robarts Library, where I was supporting e-mail and UTORdial—that was the service originally established to provide dial-up access to the University’s computing resources before other access solutions became available. I then joined Information Technology Services in 2013 as part of the MADLab, which is a student-centric facility devoted to accelerating mobile software development at U of T.
What is your secret or not-so-secret talent or hobby outside of work?
I’ve always been a software programmer at heart. I love tinkering with software projects. And my interest in music and technology specifically is inseparable from my software hobby.
Currently, I am learning all I can about software audio synthesis, digital filters and digital signal processing. I have released a few simple free software synthesizers that run on the Critter & Guitari Organelle synth platform in a software environment called Pure Data. I love exploring the intersection of musical aesthetics, real-time interactivity and digital technology.
How and why did you get involved in this hobby?
I can trace my interest back to experimenting with old-school software trackers like Digitracker back in the 90s. From there I learned all about modular synthesis by building patches on a Nord Micromodular synthesizer
Do you have any professional training in this field?
When it comes to music and real-time audio processing with software, I haven’t been professionally trained. But fortunately as a U of T employee I have access to the incredible resources of the U of T library system.
Who/what are your inspirations?
When it comes to software, I’m inspired by the tools that are available. Every time my software toolbox grows, I’m inspired to think of what new creative projects are possible.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
I have volunteered since 2010 as the mobile app developer for the annual city-wide DesignTO festival, which is now running its 15th year! It would be great to see some IT@UofT folks come check it out. It’s running January 24 – February 2 this year at various locations all around Toronto.